The reigning Australian beauty queen, Renae Ayris, has recently become single again after a split with her boyfriend of six years. Miss Ayris showed up to perform her hosting duties at this year’s Miss Universe as a single woman, and eligible bachelors around the world sat up and took notice.
There’s a certain poignancy to this happening just before Valentine’s Day of course. We can only imagine how she feels about it, but she won’t be the only person either coming out the other side of a long term relationship or finding themselves in something of a dry spell.
While we suspect that Miss Ayris has no shortage of people who might be interested in dating her, and who are not shy about letting themselves be known, it’s a little more problematic for the rest of us. We can’t all be high profile personalities with our personal lives under dissection, and for most of us that’s something of a relief.
We know there’s plenty of you out there, men and women, who are devilishly handsome or jaw-dropping beautiful. It’s not always so easy to find the time to find someone to date though. In your day to day life, you might be too busy running around at work, or you might be living in one of the more isolated parts of our fair nation and just don’t have anyone suitable in the area.
Fortunately we’re here to help. You don’t need to spend a lonely Valentine’s Day this year on your own. There’s plenty of time to brush up your profile, spend some time raising your visibility and finding someone for that special date. Valentine’s Day is one of those rare opportunities where you are positively encouraged to make grand gestures, so make the most of it. Make sure you stand out from the crowd, and who knows where it will take you.
We can’t guarantee that you’ll end up dating the next hot model, but with any luck and a bit of effort and charm we’re sure you’ll find someone who rocks your world anyway.

Miss Australia Is Single Again -Just In Time For Valentine’s Day