Tag: flirting
What Is Online Dating Etiquette?
As much as we like to think of the internet as being like the old American West, full of rough and ready spills, where we can do what we like, the truth these days is somewhat different – especially where it comes to etiquette, manners and dating. At it’s most basic, the principals behind online…
The Funny Thing About Dating
It should go without saying that we’re not all capable of being a headline stand-up comedy act, or of being able to hold a whole room rapt with attention as a raconteur of shaggy dog stories, but being able to share your sense of humour with a new date can go a long way in…
Learning to Wing It
It’s a staple of jokes, fiction, and early evening worries; but there might just be some benefit to the concept of having a wingman when it comes to dating. When surveyed, nearly half the people asked recently confirmed that they believed that having someone by their side when out on the town hugely increases their…
Decoding Those Text Messages
If you’ve been dating for any length of time it’s a fair bet that you’ve had one or two texts along the way. While sometimes simple, you’re almost certainly going to have received a few that have had you scratching your head and needing to get your friends to help you decode them. Texts can…
Being A Great Date
Just as in a job interview, the first few minutes of a date are the most important when it comes to making the best impression possible. After that, I’ve heard people say the next thirty minutes are crucial for creating and building your emotional chemistry. It doesn’t sound like much, so you need to put…
Flirty Tips for the Boys
I suppose it’s only fair that we give a bit of a focus on flirting for the guys given how the last article was for the girls. I’ve lost track of the number of guys who’ve complained they just don’t get it when people flirt, let alone how to do it themselves without coming off…
Flirty Tips for the Girls
So, you’ve been chatting away online, you’ve found someone you think might be alright, and have had a couple of conversations on the phone. You set up a date and you’re getting ready but suddenly your mind goes blank. How are you going to let him know you’re really into him without just flat-out grabbing…
Flirting Online
I can’t deny that flirting online is fun. The freedom you get from not having to be in the same room as someone to have a great time with them can’t be understated. The stress levels just fall away and when you’re being a casual flirt you can pick whatever personality and background you like.…