Just say g'day to local singles looking for fun excitement and romance in your area right now
Find amazing singles in Lansdowne with Just Say G’day, the online dating website for single Australian’s looking for genuine connections, romance and excitement.
Finding a date is fun and easy with our desktop and convenient mobile applications. Our latest smartphone application is the most powerful yet and best of all, there is no application to download and no fiddly installation instructions to follow, just sign up for free and visit justsaygday.com from any mobile device for instant access to the mobile application. From the mobile application you can access all the popular features as if you were on the desktop site as well as some mobile enhanced features like:
Lots of people are nervous about trying online dating for the first time. Either because of a stigma they associate with it or just fear of the unknown. Justsaygday is an online dating service just for Australians looking for a new relationship. Our existing members are probably just like you - looking for someone to develop a relationship with and hopefully find love.
It's simple to get started you sign up for a free trial (we don't ask for and payment details up front). You can have a look around at other people's profiles and see who else is using the site and who's around Lansdowne. You can add details to your profile and see who contacts you. If you think the service will be useful or there's some people you'd really like to contact then you can sign up for one of our memberships.