Just say g'day to local singles looking for fun excitement and romance in your area right now
Everybody is different, we understand this and have developed Just Say G'day to be an online dating website for everyone. You choose how you want to search for members or how you want to be found. Maybe you want to search by postcode or location. Maybe you are more interested in meeting someone with the same political or religious beliefs. Whatever way you choose, you will find we have the tools to suit you. From easy searching to compatibility reports, you can even control how other members see you on the site.
We've recently released our new mobile app so you can access the Justsaygday on your computer, phone or tablet. The app lets you view profiles, send and reply to messages - basically everything you'd expect from the main website, but makes it easier to use on your mobile. Nearly half of our members access us on a mobile - which we find pretty amazing. With the mobile app it's easy to check messages etc whenever you can grab a few minutes wherever you are.
What's your idea of the perfect women? Blonde, brunette, party animal, quiet and reserved? No one's looking for exactly the same thing. That's why we don't offer up a one sized fits all selction of matches. We make it simple to find the women that are going get your pulse racong. We can't guarantee that'll we'll find the lady of your dreams the very first time but we'll have a bloody good bash at it.
We've all heard scare stories of people meeting on internet dating sites and things not going well. If you met someone in a bar you probably wouldn't hand over all your personal details in the first five minutes. Online dating is the same. You need to use your common sense - get to know someone first and build up trust.
Unfortunately not everyone has the best intentions in mind so we have a full time support team that are on hand for you to report any suspicious activity too. They also constantly check profiles to make sure people are who they say they are. Our free verification service gives you peace of mind that the person in the picture is the person you're talking to. We don't want anyone to feel cheated while using our site.
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