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Online dating where people come first. Unlike some other online dating sites we don't want to simply plug your dating details into some automated impersonal computer matching program. We're sure you know the kind of people you want to meet but you just haven't bumped into them yet. Our simple to use search engine and detailed profiles let you find the people that are perfect for you. Our daily member recomendations are carefully selected based on your search criteria and personal details, giving you a great chance of finding your love match in Cradle Mountain.

Becoming a member of Justsaygday means you'll be much closer to finding your next love in Cradle Mountain. We make it easy to connect to other people with features like; private online messaging - talk to people without giving out your personal details, our mobile app that lets you use the site on your phone or tablet, location aware search makes sure you're seeing people you are actually likely to meet, human support staff to help with any problems, staff verified profiles to give you confidence in the person you are contacting.

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Don't let love slip through your fingers. Sign up to to find that special someone. The relationship you've been dreaming of could be just a click away.

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